Why can you dunk an Oreo in white milk and it softens, but it won't soften in Chocolate Milk ? Scientific ? - how to act in dunk tank
Take 2 cups of milk, an all-glass, 2% or skim milk and a glass of milk chocolate.
Take a dunk Oreos in milk and white 8 seconds. Notice how it is soft?
Now take a Oreo cookie and dipped in chocolate milk for 8 secs. He may or soft?
Take a tro dunk Oreo chocolate milk for 60 seconds, not yet smooth. So I want to know what's wrong.
If the milk chocolate milk chocolate, which as a layer or a barrier acts?
What is the scientific reasoning behind it?
How To Act In Dunk Tank Why Can You Dunk An Oreo In White Milk And It Softens, But It Won't Soften In Chocolate Milk ? Scientific ?
4:27 PM
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